Q. How many minimum users are required in a list to start Google Adwords Search Campaign Remarketing?
Ans. In Google, there are two types of Remarketing i.e Search Remarketing and Display Remarketing.
In Search Campaign when you list has 1000+ users, you can activate your remarketing list. But, you have to set your remarketing list properly to run. List keep on charging depending upon the duration you mention in the list. Maximum duration to store Remarketing cookies is 540days. You can store your cookies in your user's system for 540days or less. By default when you active your remarketing code Google Adwords start planning cookies on user's system. That list is of short duration so if you are planning to start remarketing based on that list, you can probably not on the right track.
When your remarketing list is having 1000+ user, it will work fine but if you are using it for short durations you probably loose cookies depending upon duration. Make your remarketing list with Google Analytics and set it to 540 days.
Q. How many minimum users are required in a list to start Google Adwords Display Remarketing Campaign?
A. 300 user a required to start your display network remarketing campaign and as mention above if yours fall below 300, your campaign will be stopped automatically.